The Biddulph Vicarage


A recent addition to the archives arrived via society member David Sheldon. It is a document dated 1629 and of “A True Terrier and perfect note of the Glebe Lands Belonging to the Vicarage of Biddulph”.

Now don't get too excited by the date! Richard Dean very kindly cleaned and stabilised the document before careful examination and discovered that it is written on paper dated 1820. Sadly therefore it is a copy – but a very informative one!

Richard also photographed the document which has enabled us to reproduce it in A3 size. A copy remains with our society and copies have been presented to St. Lawrence Church, Biddulph library and the Town Hall. Staffordshire Record Office has looked at the document and reports that “It is apparently extracted from the Lichfield Diocesan Registry so the original possibly exists in book form. We do already have a copy, plus an earlier one of 1612, which came to us from a member of the Biddulph family.”

Click document to enlarge

Terrier Transcription
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