The Mrs. Alice Price Film Gallery

This page gives you links to seven films taken by Mrs. Alice Price in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

They have been converted to video by Mr. Barry Knapper and have been posted on “YouTube”.

They were filmed using an 8mm camera and kindly offered for publication by her daughter-in-law Mrs. Gwenne Price.

Mrs. Price worked very hard on capturing the films, which she made into slide shows to be shown at the local Town Hall, which in turn raised funds to help build and open Biddulph Leisure Centre.

In each case you need to click on the direction to 'Watch on YouTube'

Biddulph Carnival 1967

Biddulph Carnival 1969 

Biddulph Carnival 1970

 Biddulph Moor Gala Day in the late 1960’s

Biddulph Moor Gala Day of 1969

Biddulph Moor Carnival of 1970

Scenes around Biddulph in the 60's